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FFM is funded solely by donations. We are grateful for your prayerful consideration of a gift to FFM, to help ensure that our ministry continues and grows. All donations are Canadian tax-deductible. Unless requested, donations of less than $20 are not receipted.

You can make a gift to FFM in several ways:

  • Donate online via:

  • E-transfer to Please include your full name and indicate in the description box if it's for donation or book payment. If it is for a book payment, please also indicate the invoice number.

  • Send a cheque or money order made out to "Fellowship of Faith for the Muslims" to P.O. Box 65214 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4K 3Z2

  • American donors wishing a tax deductible receipt should send their gift to  Interserve, P.O. Box 418, Upper Darby, PA 19082-0418.

    • Please indicate "FOR FFM TORONTO"

  • Contact us about giving arrangements or more information.

    Any designated donations are used for the stated purpose. Spending of funds is confined to Board-approved programmes. If more gifts are received by FFM than are required for any one project/need, the excess is directed to our area of greatest need. Gifts of over $20 are acknowledged with an official receipt for (Canadian) income tax purposes.

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